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Retire Early - Free Tips To Help Employees Escape The 8 to 5 Rat Race Faster

Practical Guide To Help You Achieve Financial Freedom Faster

Retire Early . . . that is the recommendation of Samson Itoje, CEO of Erimama Investment Company Limited.

That is what he himself did. And that is exactly what he recommends that you do if you're a smart and proactive employee.

Why does our CEO strongly recommend early retirement for proactive employees?

Our CEO, Samson Itoje, strongly recommends early retirement for smart and creative employees because of the following key reasons:

1. You may be forced out of your job (whether you prepared for it or not) if your employer is hit by the global wave of merger and acquisitions

2. You may be forced to retire early if your company is hit by unfavourable government policies that has a negative impact on the company's sales volume and profitability

3. You will be compelled to retire when you reach the mandatory retirement age, even if you still have enough stamina (and you're willing) to continue working for your employer

Bottom line.

Retirement (that is, loss of your job and your pay) will catch up with you sooner or later.

Retirement is inevitable whether you plan for it or not!

Therefore, implementing an effective retirement planning strategy is a must if you desire a prosperous and financially independent retirement life.

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Benefits of Early Retirement Planning

The above introduction highlights the importance of early retirement planning.

In summary, when you plan to retire early, you actually think ahead (and much earlier in your career) of the sort of business and investment opportunities you need to key into to create the level of cash inflow (outside of your paid job) that will allow you pay all of your bills comfortably even when you no longer have a day job with a regular salary.

Therefore, to be adequately prepared to deal with the loss of your job, whether you're forced to retire early or you reach the mandatory retirement age, you must clearly establish in your mind the goal of leaving your paid employment before the mandatory retirement age.

Say it loud and clear to yourself: "I want to retire on my own terms! I want to leave my day job with my head held high . . . and way before I'm forced to do so!"

Believe me, this is a strong positive affirmation.

Guess what.

When you have this target firmly engraved into your mind and heart, you will begin to think like your employer.

You will consciously and unconsciously begin to think of innovative ways to create a company that employs people selling value adding products like your employer does. And the more you think about it (and develop this concept in your mind), the sooner you will create a system that brings money for you independent of the cash that flows into your bank account from your day job.

Believe me, your mind is that powerful.

In fact, that is why some people say, "it is first created in the spiritual before it is created in the physical".

It happens first in your mind before it can happen in real life.

If your mind goes for it, if your mind conceives it, your God-given creative abilities will bring it to life.

The Best Strategy To Retire Early

Now that you understand the value of engraving the desire for early retirement in your mind and heart, the next question that arises is, "what is the best strategy for early retirement planning? What goal should you set for yourself?"

Let's start with the mandatory retirement age.

In my country, the mandatory retirement age is 60 years of age or 35 years of service, whichever comes first.

We also know that many employees who are not burdened with ill-health still have enough stamina to do tough work for at least another 10 years after age 60.

If this assumption is correct, that would mean that the average employee can stay in active service until he his 70years old.

Therefore, an employee who starts his working life at 25 years of age will have active working life of about 45 years.

Samson Itoje's recommendation is this:

Spend 15 to 20 years working for your employer and spend 25 to 30 years of your active working life working as founder and CEO of your own company.

Why spend up to 20 years working for your employer?

Well, that first 20years of your working life enables you to accomplish three things, which are essential for success as a founder and CEO.

1. You gather industry-wide experience, especially if you work for a world class national or multinational company

2. You get an opportunity to use your monthly salary as seed capital to access even bigger capital from banks.

This capital is required for the potential business and real estate investments that would form the basis for the cash flow you need to fund your retirement life (especially if you're not born into a wealthy family)

3. You build a network of friends, colleagues, contractors to your employer . . . all of whom could become your helpers in your journey to duplicating your employer's business (or creating a business of your own from a never-done-before business idea ignited by a brain wave)

Ransack Your Brain - Ignite Your Creativity!

Yes, life-changing business and investment ideas begin to cross your mind once you make the conscious decision to retire early from the 8 to 5 rat race.

In fact, when you decide to retire early and launch your own company, you open your mind and heart to countless productive business and investment opportunities that you would have ignored if you were stuck with the employee mentality.

That is why Samson Itoje, CEO of Erimama Investment Company Limited, will tell you outright that working for yourself as founder and CEO of your own company offers you the greatest freedom ever.

In the words of Samson Itoje, "My biggest reward for starting and running my own company is True Freedom".

Yes, establishing your own company as founder and CEO comes with unspeakable freedom.

retire wealthy

As founder and CEO of your own small or medium business, you're in complete control of your time and your life. And when your business adds value to society, that feeling of true freedom graduates into a deep-seated feeling of self-fulfillment and self-satisfaction.

That is the very reason why Samson Itoje recommends that you spend more time working for yourself as founder and CEO of your own company.

It all starts with the burning desire to retire early.

But wait.

What resource can help you prepare for early retirement.

We highly recommend you read the book, "Retire Wealthy - The Hidden Secret To Build Unlimited Wealth".

Read the book from cover to cover and implement the strategies discussed in it faithfully.

Click HERE to buy the book from

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